JWV2ACT is a software utility that translates the output of ACUGEN® Software's ATGEN® software (the JWV file) into an Activator Program. The Activator Debug language can be used with the Actel Programmer software and the Actel Activator to functionally test ACT 1, ACT 2 and ACT 3 devices. When JWV2ACT is used with the ATGEN software, ACT 1, ACT 2, and ACT 3 test vector development for the Actel Activator is truly automated.
Easy to use
JWV2ACT requires only the name of the JWV file and the PIN file to generate complete Activator Debug file for the Actel Activator. No other knowledge of programming or testing is needed.
Fast translations
Typically, JWV2ACT translates a JWV file into an Activator Debug file containing the test vectors necessary to functionally achieve the ATGEN-reported PLD fault coverage in under one minute.
Platforms Available
JWV2ACT is available for IBM compatible PCs running PCDOS or MSDOS, Sun 3 workstations running SunOS 4.0.3 and later, Sun SPARCstations and Sun 4 workstations running SunOS 4.1.x or Solaris 2.3 and later, Open VMSVAX TM, Alpha AXP OSF/1, and HP9000 Series 700/HP-UX TM
Update service & support
Update service and support during the first year are included in the product purchase price, including bug fixes, enhancements to software and documentation, and telephone support.